Lighting Pass for Marketing Gears 4 @ E3 2015 - Client:The Coalition.

Sony a7S II Review: First Sample Pictures & Video (vs a7S, a7R II, D810)

Cool.  Metabones adapters for Nikon and Canon lenses for Sony A7.

It's been a few years now that Mirrorless has been out on the market.  I do like the idea of portability with the EQUIVALENT in quality of DSLR's .  This video shows that it's almost there but it also shows that don't give up your dslr's just yet.

Main issues : 1. Battery 2. ISO 3.

The Angry Photographer: 11 STUPID THINGS GEAR WHORES say about Photograp...:


30 Year old Prime Lens adapted on the GF2.  All black metal with gold hilights.

Pretty awesome.

Dslrnewsshooter video: MTF EOS electronic aperture adapter for F3, FS100 and M4/3 from Dan Chung on Vimeo.

Trying to figure out brush economy.

Full Result here:

Looks like you can't lose either way.:)

Lost in the Languedoc-Roussillon Region:) This Lens is sharper than Nikons 24-70  if you're counting pixels and its  auto focus is instantaneous even in dark situations. Captured over 100 gigabytes of RAW Reference for Matte Work.


Now my primary lens. Rivals sharpness of primes and sharp from edge to edge.  F-2.8 throughout!!! This lens is a workhorse and a beast:)  Better contrast and sharpness than the 16-35mm L II & lighter than Mark I previous version.

Panohead. Works brilliantly and all hand machined.

Experiments gone good!

Probably one of the coolest test results I've seen in the last couple of years.

Hypergonar anamorphic lens from Rings on Vimeo.

Some Personal Work - 

English Mansion - Matte Painting Process from CBalassu on Vimeo.

Full matte painting on my website:)

Zoomed in Render -w/ VRAY

3D Matte Projection Setup

Close Up of Assets


Having a blast learning Nuke...try the 15 day Free Trial.

Nuke works in Linear Light Space! Mixing Image Types - 32bit float, HDR, etc Proper Image Processing Math Compatibility of CGI Rendering Output Will test on some photos taken in New York last March.

The wireframes excluding the environment assets for now.

The  photo plate is using multiple exposures.

Matte Projection Test from CBalassu on Vimeo.

More WIP concept iterations to finalize composition for the Matte.

Here are the raw  plates.

Started to Hi-Res a Vehicle to be placed in my Matte Reel.  Work In Progress.! Low Poly Vehicle available royalty free on the internet.  Great if you need quick shapes.  Finished hi-rezing the tires and now on to the front section of the vehicle.

Some HDRI/VRAY lighting tests on simple objects.  Now to replace the objects with More Complicated


Space Marine Project (Relic Entertainment/THQ)Update added to personal website.

Piece for Space Marine.

Initial Concept....(personal work in progress) with early staging and placement of objects.  Not quite there yet. :(  But I wanted to draft this down before I lose my train of thought on other tasks.

Did some Photography tests earlier this week. Very Excited!!!  Took a couple of tries.

Can't wait to light something with it.

Yeah... It's free so stop complaining.

If you can't afford $2500 CAD for a new perspective lens(sometimes called tilt/shift) this software does a pretty good job. A bit more complicated than the PS "transform image" tool, it now adds a level of correction for pincushion and barrel distortion.

This stuff just blows my mind!!!

First few tests with my new camera Gear! No photo corrections just yet... Just the RAW files.

Here's a vehicle design I took part in with Blackbird Interactive. I was responsible for the digital 3D "sketching" with some overpainting in Photoshop! We pushed through numerous 3D iterations while I learnt to Bolean Sculpt in a 3D software package.

Will Add more as I find the time.

.... For the lost week-end!

Great job to the Naughty Dog Crew. I decided to grab the remastered Ico & Shadow of the Colossus collection too for good measure.

Stay TUNED!!!!!

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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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